Friday 30 March 2018

80 англійських фраз, без яких вам не обійтися при спілкуванні

Ці 80 англійських фраз та ідіом знають усі нейтів спікери, а тепер будете знати і ви! Вони точно знадобляться вам при спілкуванні з друзями або на роботі. Зберігайте собі в закладки, запам’ятовуйте та розширюйте свій словниковий запас. Готово — тепер вам ще легше розуміти все, що хочуть сказати ваші англомовні друзі!
  1. A while back / a while ago — якийсь час назад, раніше
  2. About time — пора, саме час
  3. Ahead of time — заздалегідь
  4. All along — весь час; по всій довжині
  5. All in all — зрештою, в цілому; справа всього життя
  6. All the while — весь цей час
  7. As if / as though — наче
  8. Ask me another — запитай щось легше
  9. At a moment’s notice — негайно, цієї ж миті, в будь-який момент
  10. At every step — на кожному кроці
  • He has categorically denied his guilt all along.
  • All in all, I think you’ve done very well.
  • Firefighters were prepared to rush out at a moment’s notice.
  1. At last / at long last — нарешті
  2. At that rate — у всякому разі, хай там як/що
  3. At times — іноді
  4. Be in for it — влипнути
  5. Be that as it may — хай буде, що буде
  6. Be quits — бути в розрахунку
  7. Be at the end of one’s tether — дійти до межі
  8. Be well of — бути забезпеченим
  9. Carry / gain one’s point — досягти мети
  10. Day in, day out — цілими днями
  11. Down and out — препогано
  12. Eat one’s words — взяти свої слова назад
  13. Either way — так чи інакше
  14. Every now and then / every now and again / every so often / once in a while — час від часу, періодично
  15. For a change — для різноманітності
  16. For good — назавжди, навіки
  17. For the moment / for the present — що стосується теперішнього моменту
  18. From scratch — на порожньому місці
  19. From the ground up — з самого початку
  20. From this day forward — відтепер і надалі
    • Do not brag so much. I guarantee you will eat your words sooner or later.
    • Real friendship can last for good.
    • Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging.
    1. From way back — з давніх-давен
    2. Go back on one’s word — порушити обіцянку
    3. Go to waste — йти нанівець
    4. Good for nothing — не придатний ні на що
    5. Have a way with — мати підхід
    6. Have all the time in the world — мати багато часу
    7. High time — саме час
    8. His days are numbered — його дні полічені
    9. However much — скільки б не…
    10. It’s / that’s beside the point — це не стосується теми
    11. In every sense of the word — в повному розумінні слова
    12. In his day — свого часу
    13. In no time — у лічені секунди
    14. In vain — без ладу
    15. It was quite a job — довелося потрудитися
    16. ​​It’s no go — безнадійна справа
    17. Know one’s place — знати своє місце
    18. Know somebody by sight — знати когось у обличчя
    19. Let’s clear it up — давай розберемося
    20. Let’s drop the subject — давай залишимо цю тему
      • He’s a gentleman in every sense of the word.
      • The children ate their dinner in no time.
      • We tried in vain to make him change his mind.
      1. Make haste / make time — поспішати
      2. More often than not — найчастіше
      3. On and off — час від часу, з перебоями
      4. On and on — знову та знову, безперервно
      5. Once and for all — раз і назавжди
      6. Once in a while — зрідка
      7. Out of date — застарілий
      8. Play for time — тягнути час
      9. Pro and con — за і проти
      10. Pun for one’s life — бігти стрімголов
      11. Round the clock — цілодобово
      12. Say one’s say / speak one’s mind — висловити думку
      13. Set the pace — задати темп
      14. Side against — перейти на протилежний бік
      15. So far / as yet — досі
      16. Stand one’s ground — стояти на своєму
      17. Stand to reason — бути очевидним
      18. Take a stand — зайняти жорстку позицію
      19. Take into account — взяти до уваги
      20. Time after time / time and again — регулярно
        • Kim has been working round the clock to finish it in time.
        • You know when to stand your ground and when to give in.
        • I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.
        1. Time’s getting short — у нас мало часу, часу все менше
        2. That’s not the point — це не відноситься до питання
        3. There is no hurry — поспішати нікуди
        4. Throw good money after bad — кидати гроші на вечір
        5. To one’s face — (сказати) в обличчя
        6. Up against — протистояти
        7. Use your own judgement — вирішуй сам
        8. What are you driving at? — до чого ти ведеш?
        9. Wait and see — поживемо — побачимо
        10. You can take it from me — можеш мені повірити

Wednesday 14 March 2018

If you don't like kids, don't work with them

Every person is sometimes tired of his/her job. But there are a lot of people who are tired every single day, who think that their job as torture. These people hate their job and the most terrifying that some of them work at school. We should think very carefully when we choose a career because our attitude, our hate can spoil someone's childhood, ruin someone's self-esteem, make unforgiven harm. We have no rights to do that. IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB, CHANGE IT!


Tuesday 13 March 2018

YouTube channels to learn English

Here are a few YouTube channels which will help you to improve your English.


This channel is run by a girl from Russia who moved to California and founded her company there for people who study American English. On the channel, Marina shares the secrets of learning a language talks about passing the TOEFL and gives tips on preparing for this exam. 

Here you can find many interesting words, idioms, and phrases for everyday communication. In addition to information on learning English, on this channel, there are many simply interesting videos in which Marina talks about her life in the States, her work and how she founded her own company in a foreign country. There are inspirational videos in which the presenter motivates her subscribers to new achievements. Linguamarina will be especially interesting for those who study American English, as well as those who are thinking about moving to the United States.

Lucy is an English teacher from Britain, who is firsthand, because she herself studied a foreign language (Spanish). On this channel, you will find many useful pronunciation tips, an explanation of English phrases and words, as well as lessons where Lucy explains the difference between words that are often confused. Since she is the presenter from England, it is logical that most of the tips (especially in pronunciation) and phrases are suitable for those who learn exactly the British version of English. The channel even has a video about which American phrases should not be used if you are in England.

Some videos were shot in tandem with other YouTube teachers who teach English. They explain the difference between accents of English, depending on the area. On this channel, I really like the Storytime column, where the presenter shares the funny situations (of course, related to learning English) that she came across. 

A very funny host Ronnie explains the basics of English grammar and helps her subscribers learn new vocabulary. This is a great channel for learning English and uplifting. For convenience, Ronnie writes everything on the board, so you can copy all the useful information to yourself in a notebook, and then repeat it.

A very good channel, the trick of which is that the presenter is American, and the presenter is British. Therefore, the channel is suitable for you, regardless of which language option you are learning. The information is very interesting, so you are unlikely to get bored. Both new words and pronunciations are understood on the channel. Pay attention to the Song and Stories section if you want to remember new words without making any effort.

This channel focuses on spoken English. Here you will find a lot of vocabulary replenishment videos to help you communicate in English at home. Also on the channel there are a lot of tips on how to make your speech fluent and learn to perceive English by ear. At the same time, there are not only recommendations on listening on the channel, but also practical tasks, and even tests.